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RPSG Financial Education Services

Our goal is simple. We provide high-caliber financial management and education services to employees at no cost thus helping them achieve their retirement ambitions and reducing the fiduciary exposure of the employer.

In other words, we help employees understand their rights and their retirement benefits while keeping employers compliant with all fiduciary responsibilities.

Our services offer help to employees and education to manage their retirement while offering employers peace of mind, knowing they are complaint with the law and meeting all fiduciary responsibilities.


We provide a comprehensive review of everything necessary to understand their savings and retirement picture for each person. We teach employees how to use their current retirement plan to their advantage. They learn to manage their money to meet their savings goals. We educate them about expenses, savings and debit, helping them become effective stewards of their financial wellness. We also provide complete financial planning services. We are here for your entire retirement!


Our employee education approach reduces the employer’s fiduciary exposure by providing the employees access to financial planning at no cost. If an employee does not want the financial assistance, they can simply sign a letter refusing the benefit. This letter also limits fiduciary liability for the employer.

Our Team:

We work with a number of professionals in other fields, such as attorneys and accountants. Together, we provide comprehensive financial services and advice for wills, POA directives, trust development and reviews, or whatever the person needs to complete a financial plan.

What We Offer:

We offer a number of services to help complete a financial plan for employees while providing reducing employers’ fiduciary exposure. Our services include:

  • Complete Retirement Planning
  • Cash Flow and Budget Analysis
  • Estate Analysis and Planning
  • Insurance Review with Beneficiary Analysis
  • Review of Wills, Living Wills, and POAs
  • Analyze Current Retirement Plans, Adjusting to Meet Current Timeframes
  • Asset Allocation Analysis for Investments
  • Review and Assess Other Investments and Incorporate Them into the Retirement Plan
  • Discuss Debt and Income Ratios, Helping to Plan Strategies to Reduce Debt
  • Wealth Guard Education and Activation Assistance

We are here for your entire retirement!